Airman 45 KVA Generator 3 Phase 4 Wire- SDG45

AIRMAN Generator Specifications
Generator- Model: SDG45
- Standby output: 45 KVA
- Prime output: 37 KVA
- Voltage: 415V
- KUBOTA Engine
- Power factor: 80%
- Class of rating: Continuous
- Alternator: Brushless (with A.V.R)
- No of phase: 3-Phase, 4 Wire
- Make and model: KUBOTA V3800-DI-T-K2B
- Number of cylinder: 4
- Type: Direct Injectin, Turbo Charged
- Total displacement: 3.769 L
- Rated ouput: 38 KW
- Speed: 1500 RPM
- Fuel: Diesel
- Fuel tank capacity: 100 L
- Fuel consumption (50%/75% LOAD): 4.6/6.4 L/HR
- Recommended oil; 15W40
- Dimensions - 190cm x 86cm x 130cm
- Weight - 900Kg
Sound level @ 7M: 57 dB